WORDS FROM ZOLA’S NEW ADOPTERS: It was about 2 years ago that I developed a passion for dog rescue. Seeing and realizing how many dogs are suffering due to neglectful humans, I became inspired to find a way to help. 

When I came across RAD’s Instagram, it was clear how much love and effort they poured into saving these animals and I decided to apply to become a foster. Not too long after, I received a call from Teny about one of the pups they rescued from their mission in Lebanon, her name was Salsa. At the time, fostering seemed so simple, we would take in a dog for a couple of weeks, help rehabilitate and then help find their forever families. Ya right, what were we thinking lol. That mindset all changed as soon as Miss Salsa (who now goes by Zola) came off that plane, it’s like we instantly knew she was ours. 

We initially had no idea what to expect being first time fosters, but we could not have felt more confident throughout this process due to the amazing support from the entire RAD team. They were there every step of the way and we’ve learned so much through this experience. 

Zola has brought so much joy, love and laughter to our family. She is smart, silly, and sometimes crazy, but we love her for everything she is and could not imagine our life without her<3

We are so happy to be a part of the RAD family and are thankful for all the human and furry friends we have made along the way!