Deciding to rehome your dog can be a heartbreaking decision. However, it is important to know that there are many options to help you consider otherwise. Surrendering your dog should only be the last resort after having exhausted all other options as it can be an extremely disorienting and stressful experience for your dog. The dog will often regress wether medically or behaviourally when moved. We hope that before considering to surrender your dog to strangers, you have considered rehoming your dog to family or friends that your dog has already met and is comfortable with.

We especially hope that you have spoken to professionals (trainer, behaviour consultant, vet, etc) to try to address the issues that you are struggling with. It is recommended that you see more than one.

If you are considering rehoming your dog, because of... 

  • behavioural or training issues? A lot of issues can seem very difficult to deal with but talking to a professional can really help better understand why the dog is acting the way it’s acting and teach you to better communicate with your dog. The implementation of routines, exercise, mental stimulation, etc can really do wonders in helping with behaviors issues in a relatively reasonable amount of time.

  • a new baby? The arrival of a new baby can be very overwhelming and it’s easy to consider wanting to find a new home that will make more time for your dog. Did you know, there are people specialized in helping you better adapt and show you how you can include your dog in your new life? A dog is a family member and should not just be considered as something that can just be given away at the first though.

  • lack of exercise or a new job? There are many reliable dog walking companies in Montreal that can help you take your dog out during the day and give them the exercise they need.

We recommend you check out our community partners

If after all of this you still need RESCUE ALL DOGS to consider your need to surrender, please fill out the form below with honesty so that we can better understand your dog and their needs. We charge a $300 surrender fee per dog to help cover the costs of their care during their time with us. Extra fees may apply if your dog is not spayed/neutered or if they require extra medical care. 

Please understand that completing this form does not guarantee that we will take the dog. Dog intakes are only possible if we have the funds, foster homes and resources available to take your dog in.

If you have found a dog in need of help or witnessing neglect and abuse please email