WORDS FROM SNOWY’S NEW ADOPTERS: RAD kind of found us – Our daughter Kaite volunteers with RAD, and she announced that she was travelling to BETA Lebanon to help out and bring home some dogs. As parents, we were concerned that our daughter was travelling during a pandemic, but she is an adult, and as it turned out, it was a tremendous experience.
Kaite would send daily Instagram photos and one of them was of a slightly worried, slightly mischievous white terrier looking pup called Snowy. Kaite’s brother took one look at the post and called us to ask if we had seen the photo, and if we would adopt him. So we did. Within minutes of meeting him, he hopped up on the couch and adopted us.

Snowy had been fostered in Beirut, so we didn’t need to house train him, but he needed some assurance, and his new home needed exploring (although he found our bed much to his liking right away). At first, he feared falling leaves, squirrels, wind, the back yard and the many blow up Halloween creatures that were on front lawns. His nose went into overdrive with all the new smells, but he soon learned what his new neighbourhood smelled like, and the anxiety faded while his tail went up. He did figure out that squirrels are to be chased!

His first snowfall started with him licking the snow, not quite sure what to make of it, but a walk in the snow, in an off-leash area, changed all that – he started running figure eights around us like an over caffeinated bunny. At the park, we meet up daily with other dogs and owners and everybody knows Snowy - when he is let off his leash, he runs at full speed to greet everyone, dogs, people and the trees, though not always in that order. Snowy is very friendly with everyone, people and dogs, he loves to run and to wrestle. His personality has developed, he is much more confident, and is very mischievous, he loves playing games with, or without us. Snowy has provided a reason to go outside every day and gives us endless entertainment, joy, companionship and love.

We want to thank RAD, not only for helping us find a perfect pup, but also for all the help bringing Snowy to his new home – he is very happy here. We had his DNA tested, he is mostly Pomeranian, with some Poodle, Bichon and American Eskimo Dog - basically, a handsome mutt with a wonderful personality.